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Aquaman Movie
Aquaman Movie
Aquaman The Movie Aquaman The Movie We've been hoping for a live-action Aquaman movie since quite a while. Back in 2009 we heard that Appian Way, Leonardo DiCaprio's production company would produce the movie Aquaman for Warner Bros. But not much happened since then. Fortunately Warner chairman and CEO Barry Meyer confirmed again in May 2010 that a live action Aquaman movie is still in development. CAST FOR THE MOVIE: CHARLIE HUNNAM- AQUAMAN ELIJAH WOODS- AQUALAD FRANK "TANK" BECKLES- BLACK MANTA Aquaman is a comic book superhero who appears in DC Comics. Created by Paul Norris and Mort Weisinger, the character debuted in More Fun Comics #73 (Nov. 1941). Initially a backup feature in DC's anthology titles, Aquaman later starred in several volumes of a solo title. During the late 1950's and 1960's superhero-revival period known as the Silver Age of Comic Books, he was a founding member of the Justice League of America. In the 1990's Modern Age of Comic Books, Aquaman's character became more serious than in most previous interpretations, with storylines depicting the weight of his role as king of Atlantis.[1]Charles Matthew "Charlie" Hunnam (born 10 April 1980) is an English actor. He is perhaps known to UK audiences as Pete Dunham in Green Street and as Nathan Maloney and to US audiences as Jackson "Jax" Teller in the FX network series, Sons of Anarchy, will be playing Aquaman. Movie is scheduled to hit the screen in 2013! The part of Aqualad portrayed by:Elijah Jordan Wood (born January 28, 1981) is an American actor. Making his film debut with a minor part in Back to the Future Part II (1989), he landed a succession of larger roles and became a critically acclaimed child actor by age 13. After his high-profile role as Frodo Baggins in Peter Jackson's critically acclaimed The Lord of the Rings trilogy, he has resisted typecasting by choosing varied roles in critically acclaimed films such as Bobby, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, Sin City, Green Street and Everything Is Illuminated. Most recently he starred in the film Day Zero (2007) and provided the voice of the main character, Mumble, in the award-winning animated film Happy Feet. He also played an American tourist turned vampire in Paris, je t'aime. In 2005, he started his own record label, Simian Records. He was cast in the lead role of an Iggy Pop biopic to be called The Passenger, but after years of development, the project now appears to be shelved.[citation needed] In 2006, he became a well-known voice actor in video gaming and would soon become the voice of the video game icon, Spyro the Dragon. In 2008, he set a new world record when he became the first person ever to cross the Victoria Falls on ropes during an appearance on Jack Osbourne's show Adrenaline Junkie. Part of Black Manta: Trinidad-American Actor, Dr. Frank Beckles a.k.a famous Olympic Weightlifter, and Pro-Football Player Frank "The Tank" Beckles.. Black Business Owner, The Children's Christian Center/Pastor & Principal Currently holds this position Manger, Director, Teacher, and Principal Children's Christian Learning Center (Public Company; NWS; Education Management industry) January 2009 — Present (1 year 9 months) Dr. Frank " Tank" Beckles Professor of Theological Studies, with a PhD. In Divinity. Education 1995-2002 S.C. State University Masters in Family Counseling 2002-2004 earned a Doctorate in Divinity from New Life Theological Seminary Professional July 1994-2005 Veteran/Officer in the U.S. Navy/Active Duty & Reserves 2003 Police Officer in New Orleans Present a Fireman for the Richmond County Fire Department A Published Author of three books, for Vantage Press, Inc. Mappily Married, Father of Two Children (expecting a third next year). Legendary Internet Webmaster, and Former Comic Book Writer. Also an Actor; who has appeared as an extra on at least three Motion Pictures, appeared several times on: Newspapers, TV Shows, and Local News. Such as "Who's Your Caddy?", The Augusta Chronicle (Standing along President Bush, being recognized for his outstanding service as a Veteran in the Military & service to his Country during 9/11), the Reality Series "Bootcamp", and He appeared with his son, on The Legendary Gosphel Show- "Parade of Quartets". While working for the Fire Department, he manages a Daycare (along with his wife- Adrian), and works as a Pastor for The Sons For Christ Church of God, Outreach Ministries (Since 2005). Has Appeared Two Times in the Guinness Book of Records; for Designing the most Wepages in the World, and Participating & Organizing The World's Largest Picnic, along with Celebrity Amy Grant. In 2002, at St. Louis, won a Bronze Medal in Olympic Weightlifting. Attempting Record as First Black Man to climb Mt. Everest in 2006. He is an renown Athlete, and Comic Book Writer/Publisher from 1991-2006.. Check out Popular Fan Websites: Comics The official DC Comics web page. Plenty of information about all their titles. Listen to the Superman radio show. Chat, trivia questions, and an Email newsletter. - Cached DC’s Blackest Night Gives Way to Brightest Day | Underwire ... Aquaman will get the treatment next, as David Finch’s cover of Brightest Day ... Image courtesy DC Comics. See Also: DC Comics’ Johns: Green Lantern Could Rival ...​dcbrightest-day - Cached Aquaman Family - DC Comics Database Aquaman article at Wikipedia; Aquaman Wiki; Aquaman article ... series index at the Grand Comics Database Project; Aquaman ... Retrieved from " ... COMIC HISTORY AND BIO'S OF THE LEGENDARY CHARACTERS OF AQUAMAN, AQUALAD, AND BLACK MANTA:RECENT DEVELOPMENTS IN THE DC UNIVERSE: February 19, 2009 Eventually, Garth met and rescued Aquaman and became his sidekick, Aqualad. Together they shared many adventures. Once Aquaman married his lady love, Mera, and had his own son, adventuring with Aqualad became less important to him, leaving Garth feeling unsure of his role in his mentor's life. Seeking to be of help to other teens in trouble, Garth became one of the founding members of the Teen Titans. Still shunned by many Poseidonians despite his heroics on their behalf, Aqualad was sent away to be schooled in Scotland, at a school on the shores of Loch Ness, as seen in the Teen Titans series. Soon, life for Garth became increasingly difficult, both at home and away. Mera was kidnapped[1], forcing the Aqua-duo to go in search of her, during which time Garth's left arm was nearly severed by an attacker. While he mended in the hospital, a plot against the Crown developed and Aqualad was forced to escape, finding that he was being deliberately over-medicated to keep him from thwarting the usurpers. While on a quest to assist Aquaman, Garth was kidnapped and forced to fight a giant sea beast to the death, surviving just long enough for Aquaman to defeat the monster. Little did Garth know that, before long, he would be forced to defend himself in a life or death struggle against his mentor over the survival of the infant Arthur Jr. (AKA "Aquababy"/Arthur Joseph Curry "Sword of Atlantis" Chronicles). [2] Betrayed and abandoned by Aquaman, Garth stayed in the Hidden Valley to search for links to his identity, eventually finding out he was the lost prince of the Idyllists, though it would be several more years before he learned the truth about his father's murder and his mother's complicity in his exile at the hands of the Poseidonians Also as a teenager, Garth met and fell in love with Aquagirl (Tula), the impetuous and feisty Atlantean ward of Aquaman's predecessor, King Juvor. They dated for years, aiding Aquaman as defenders of the undersea realms, until Tula's tragic death at the hands of Chemo during the Crisis on Infinite Earths. Grief-stricken, Garth left Atlantis, rejoined the Teen Titans on a number of occasions, and saw his relationship with Aquaman become violent and strained. As a result of his grief and repeated telepathic abuse by Mento, among other factors, Aqualad lost his ability to control marine life. While he later regained this power during the Millennium event, it came with the condition that his commands must now be phrased as requests to the creatures to perform desired actions, although the animals apparently need little persuasion. Garth nearly joined the list of casualties during "Titans Hunt," an all-out attempt to wipe out the former teen sidekicks and their allies. While trying to free the ascending Golden Eagle from the clutches of a member of the Wildebeest Society, Aqualad fell from a great height, his body mangled and his bones shattered on the rocks of a sea wall below. Rescued by the (then) reformed Steve Dayton and Deathstroke, Garth was confined to a tank and left to be cared for by STAR Labs physicians, who found that they could do little for him due to his Atlantean physiology. After the boy nearly died twice, the Titans called for Aquaman, who took Garth to the Idyllists in the hopes that their metaphysical cures might save him. While at the edge of death, Garth saw Tula and begged to join her in the Great Beyond, but was instead revived by Tusky the walrus. Angered that Arthur had yet again abandoned him and, worse, with people he thought hated him, he fought with his mentor but eventually they parted as friends. Tempest Some time later, Garth encountered a band of shark-like merpeople who attacked the hero with a kind of "mystic water." Garth vanished and reappeared in another dimension, where Atlan awaited to train him. Atlan taught Garth to use powers the young Idyllist didn't know he possessed, including elemental powers which allowed him to heat and cool water and create whirlpools, as well as fiery purple blasts of energy from his eyes. Toward the end of his training, Garth was scarred in a ritual, leaving two pronounced scars over his right eye which healed into "tattoos" once he had conquered his inner turmoil. Atlan told Garth that the final part of his training was to complete the ritual that would grant him full access to his ancestral magical power, and thus Garth had to return to Shayeris, in the Hidden Valley. Garth returned to our dimension at nearly the same time he left, although he was approximately three years older upon his return. When Garth, alongside Atlan, returned to Shayeris, he found the city overtaken by undead creatures. Completely unaware of his own history or his uncle's powers of necromancy, Garth was ill-prepared for the sudden return of Aquagirl, risen from the grave. Together with Letifos (one of the shark warriors), Atlan, and Aquagirl, Garth descended into Shayeris. Just the sheer proximity to the ancient pool of ancestral magic allowed Garth to tap into the power, and charged with the purple energy, he recreated his costume out of the Idyllist red and black flag and renamed himself Tempest. Tempest then found his father's sanctum and performed the magical ritual which would give him his power. But the false Aquagirl, a magical conduit for Slizzath, attacked Tempest and channeled that power into Slizzath, releasing the monster from his other-dimensional prison. Using his stolen power, Slizzath captured Tempest and Atlan, raised an enormous undead army, and finally transformed the Hidden Valley into the necropolis of which he had long dreamed. Tempest eventually broke free of his prison and found the remaining Idyllists, hiding in Thar's old armory. There, Tempest was reunited with his mother and the truth -- that the fearful Idyllists were so terrified of the release of Slizzath, they lied about Thar's sanity and saw to it that Garth was banished as an infant. Disgusted, Garth took control of the armory and a small number of Idyllist warriors and attacked Slizzath. Tempest destroyed the Aquagirl zombie that had seduced him and, using his full range of powers, sent his uncle back into the other-dimensional prison void, sealing the portal forever. Family After a tearful goodbye to Aquagirl, Tempest returned to Atlantis where he became the city's official ambassador to the UN. His relationship with Aquaman became more tumultuous, and Garth later learned that Aquaman had another son from a dalliance with an Inuit woman. This son, Koryak, grew to resent Tempest and the two became bitter rivals for some time. More friction arose between Tempest and Aquaman when Aquaman's lover, Dolphin, left him for Tempest, but the two have since resolved their differences. Tempest and Dolphin were soon married, with the young maid pregnant of a young son, named Cerdian by his godfather, Aquaman. At the same time, Tempest joined a new incarnation of his old team, the Titans, playing part-time adventurer as well as royal politician and new father. He also played a prominent role in the Imperiex War, not only transferring Atlantis to the past when it faced destruction with the detonation of an Imperiex probe, but subsequently providing Darkseid with a magical focus for his powers that would enable Superman to send both Imperiex and Brainiac-13 back to the Big Bang, thus defeating both of them simultaneously. The weight of new familial responsibilities initially strained the relationship between Dolphin and Tempest, and she demanded that he choose between his duties as a hero and his duties as a father and husband. Reluctantly, Tempest complied and quit the Titans. Another weight on his matrimonial life came when a new sorcerer elite took over the government of Atlantis after its return from the Obsidian Age. As friends of the deposed king, both Tempest and his wife fell under suspicion and, as suspected traitors, were put under house arrest. Tempest always managed to sneak out, sometimes briefly adventuring with his former mentor and helping him, but always leaving his wife behind. When finally Hagen fell from his chief role and Aquaman returned to Atlantis, Tempest returned to his home and seemingly reconciled with his wife and son, but only briefly. While Tempest was trying to channel the magic of all the Atlantis Sorcerers (to undo a spell that turned Mera into an air-breather), the Spectre sensed the strong magic power Tempest now possessed and, following his crusade against magic and magicians, unleashed his strength on Atlantis. Aquaman, Tempest & Family went into hiding. Due to Aquaman's orders, like Barry Allen, he faked his own death along with all of his friends, when he learned from Spectre that Black Manta did not kill his son; Arthur Jr. He he hid in a Pocket Universe, called The Ultraverse. He allowed Spectre to bring his son, Arthur Joseph Curry to take his rightlful place as the new King of Atlantis (The Sword of Atlantis). But He has failed, to live up to The Aquaman name, and was kicked out of Batman's "Outsiders". Aquaman II, is now aiding his father's return to the throne, and has committed to helping Aquaman vanquish Black Manta and his son, Devil Ray forever! Arthur Joseph Curry is a fictional character and the long lost son of Aquaman, the returned from the dead DC Comics superhero's son, thought to have been killed by Black Manta, but was hidden in a alternate universe by an entity known as "The Spectre", the boy grew up to become his father's replacement as the new Aquaman. Created by Kurt Busiek and Frank Victor Beckles, Jr., he first appeared in Aquaman: Sword of Atlantis #40 (May 2006). [edit] Publication history As part of DC Comics' One Year Later event, Aquaman's series was renamed Aquaman: Sword of Atlantis with issue #40 (May 2006). The new developments include a new lead character, a new supporting cast, and the inclusion of sword and sorcery-type fantasy elements in the series. Fictional character biography While awaiting transport unknown to him, from an alternate universe, called the "Ultraverse" (where the original Aquaman, Green Arrow, & The Flash has been), to present day Miami, Florida, a young man named Arthur Joseph Curry Jr. Is washed out to sea when a storm ruptures the tank he was in. This Arthur Curry, whose origin closely resembles that of the Golden Age Aquaman as well as that of Neptune Perkins, is the son of oceanobiologist Dr. Phillip Curry, (Arthur Curry's third half-brother). Dr. Curry was forced to lie about Arthur Jr.'s true origin by Spectre, for fear of his threat to kill his kidnapped wife and two sons. Dr. Curry, with the help of The Spectre created in Arthur's mind that he had lived his whole life in the main tank of his father's research facility at Avalon Cay, his only window to the outside world being television. Shortly after his arrival in the sea, Arthur Jr. Is mentally contacted by the mysterious "Dweller of the Depths", a deformed humanoid with tentacles instead of hair and a left hand made of water. The Dweller urges him to help King Shark, who still bears scars from a previous battle with The Real Aquaman during the recent Crisis. The Dweller, confusing Arthur for Aquaman and calling him his "charge", tells Arthur and King Shark of a prophecy regarding Arthur's future, a prophecy which seems to be a distorted version of the original Aquaman's history. The Dweller reveals that the original Aquaman was "transformed into one akin to another dimension, to return to greatness once again in the future." Arthur Jr.'s first trip causes him to meet many of Aquaman's supporting characters including Mera, the Sea Devils, Vulko, and eventually Ocean Master (the brother of Dr. Phillip Curry and Arthur Curry- the original Aquaman). During this adventure, the Dweller progressively realizes that he himself is the original Aquaman, who slipped out of the pocket universe, The Spectre had him trapped in, despite having no memory of his former life, being married, and having three sons! Later Arthur Jr. finds a humanoid squid named Topo, a naive youth attracted by superheroics, seeking to become a sidekick, and Tempest, now the father of a son and twins by his wife, Dolphin, he is unable to breathe water (re-gains all of his powers later) and implanted with a post-hypnotic suggestion warning of an upcoming battle. The Justice League is called in to evaluate Orin's situation, but are unable to determine if he is truly dead, or if he can somehow resurrect himself due to his new magical nature. In Sword of Atlantis #57, the series' final issue, Aquaman II is visited by the Lady of the Lake who explains his origins. The original Aquaman had given a sample of his water hand to his father in order to resurrect his dead son, Arthur, whom he had named after Orin. When Orin attempted to resurrect Sub Diego, part of his soul attached itself to the body of his son, Arthur Joseph Curry Jr., while Orin's physical form mutated into the Dweller. Blaming himself for Orin's disappearance into the Ultraverse, Aquaman II, vows to never be called "Arthur Jr." again, refraining from using the "stolen" name, asking only to be called Joseph in the future. Arthur Jr., is considered as a candidate for the new Outsiders by Batman (secretly knowing that he is in fact, Aquaman's son). After seeing him in action with Metamorpho, however, Batman decides against his induction. In their quest to rid the Earth of all forms of kryptonite, Superman and Batman journey deep below the sea and find a large amount of it. The two of them are met with hostility by Aquaman and King Shark. A brief fight ensues, but eventually Joseph allows them to take what they came for. Before doing so, he points out that not everyone may want Superman to find all of Earth's kryptonite, and that he would have to be at least part human to know that. Powers and abilities Orin Aquaman II, has a number of superhuman powers like his father, and superhuman strength, most of which derived from his father, and from the fact that he is adapted to live in the depths of the ocean. Primary among his powers is the ability to extract oxygen from water, allowing him to 'breathe' while submerged. He is unaffected by the immense pressure and the cold temperature of the ocean depths; further, he possesses an enhanced resistance to injury and superhuman strength (he can easily throw a car hundreds of feet). He is likewise able to swim at very high speeds. He can see in near total darkness and has enhanced hearing. Although he can remain underwater indefinitely without suffering any ill effects, Aquaman grows weak if he remains on land for extended periods. Aquaman II's most famous (or infamous) power is the telepathic ability to communicate with/command oceanic life. The range of this power is unclear; certainly he can summon sea life from vast distances. Although this power is most often and most easily used on marine life, Aquaman II, has on multiple occasions demonstrated the capacity to affect any being evolved from marine life (e.g., humans), or that lives upon the sea (e.g. sea eagles). Aquaman II's telepathic abilities are otherwise unrefined but it has been demonstrated on multiple occasions that he can use his abilities to supplement other more skilled telepaths such as J'onn J'onzz. He has also demonstrated classic telepathic abilities like telepathic eavesdropping on people's thoughts, but this ability was displayed infrequently. After the loss of his hand, Aquaman II, initially replaced it with a cybernetic harpoon that responded to his thoughts and could be fired while staying attached via a retractable line. Later, the harpoon was replaced by a magical hand made out of water given to him by the Lady of the Lake, which grants Aquaman II Numerous abilities, including but not limited to: the ability to dehydrate anyone he touches with it, killing them instantly; to make the hand extremely dense, thus taking Aquaman II, to the ocean floor quickly; to shoot jets of scalding water; healing abilities; and the ability to nullify magic. Arthur Joseph Curry Jr. (a.k.a "Arthur Jr.") The new Aquaman has many physical abilities in common with his father, the original Aquaman, including underwater breathing, submarine speed, and superhuman strength. Like the Golden Age Aquaman, Arthur Jr. Can't survive outside of water for long. He also gained telepathic powers. He now speaks and understands the languages of the sentient sea peoples unaided, and has a limited ability to communicate with nonsentient sea life. He cannot speak directly to them as his predecessor could, but can send and receive emotional impressions and desires, such as communicating a need for help. He is working to expand the latter ability, and in one instance has been able to "see" through the eyes of nearby fish. Book Author/Actor/Rapper/Athlete/Martial Artist/Comic Book Editor-in-Chief for Ultraverse Comics- Dr. Franklyn V. Beckles, Jr. April 27, 2009 Has Four Children: Christian & Jaylan Beckles and Two daughters, Dayshia and Aleiyah Beckles Dr. Beckles, a.k.a Vic "The Iceman" Beckles, is the first African-American Comic Book Publisher, and Prinicipal of an "all-black" private school in Aiken, South Carolina. he is also the first Webmaster, to be listed in the Guiness Book of Records, for designing and writing the most comic book & entertainment websites in the world! HERE ARE MORE AQUALAD FACTS: Dolphin later discovered she was pregnant. Garth was happy at the news and proposed marriage. Garth and Dolphin were married in a traditional Atlantean ceremony with friends and family in attendance. Dolphin has since given birth to a son. Dolphin and Tempest's first child was named Cerdian by Aquaman as a gesture to the surface-country Cerdia, which had recently fallen under Atlantean control. Dolphin gives Tempest an ultimatum in TITANS #47 [2003] As Garth's obligations to the Titans increased, he seemed to have trouble balancing his family life with his dedication to the team. Dolphin rectified the situation by moving into the Titans Tower with Cerdian. But soon after, the Titans Tower was destroyed by enemy forces. To put a further strain on the situation, Tempest was almost killed by an addictive drug from a Chemical World. After these events, Dolphin insisted Garth retire from the Titans - and Garth reluctantly complied. Family in Crisis Garth moved his family to New Atlantis, where he was greeted with suspicion from the new rulers and placed under house arrest. Leaving his wife and small child behind, Tempest used his wizardry to escape Atlantis and sought Aquaman for help. Eventually, the sorcerers' rule was overturned and Atlantis was restored. Before its citizens could celebrate, Atlantis was attacked by the Spectre, who was driven mad when he lost his human host. As Spectre razed Atlantis to the ground, Tempest and several Atlantean mystics unsuccessfully tried to combat him. With Atlantis destroyed, only Koryak (Aquaman's son), Tempest and his family survived, but he left Atlantis with Dolphin & his son, and faked their disappearance. Tempest later returned with his family, but some of his powers had somehow left him. In an attack from Black Manta & his son, Devil Ray; Tempest regained all of his powers, defeating the evil duo, and decides to go after Spectre! Tempest has enhanced strength and enhanced senses, due to his time spent in the ocean depths. As Aqualad, he had the ability to telepathically communicate with marine life, although that ability has been lost to him. As Tempest, he has the ability to control the temperature of water, from freezing ice to boiling hot. He also have mystical energy force beams which he channels from his eyes. Having spent years under Atlan's tutelage, Garth may possess other mystical mage-like abilities that have not been revealed. Sources for this entry: DC Who's Who Series, DC Who's Who Binder Series, The Official Teen Titans Index [published by ICG in 1985], The New Titans Sourcebook [Mayfair Games, 1990], DC Universe Role-Playing Games: Sourcebooks and Manuals [ West End Games], DC Secret Files, supplemented by Top of Page Adventure Comics #269: Aquaman finds an orphaned boy on a reef. Taking the name Aqualad, the boy works closely with Aquaman, learning to overcome his initial fear of marine life. First appearance of Aqualad. Aqualad's birth and parentage not revealed until Adventure Comics #453-455 [1977-1878]. Aqualad's name, Garth, not revealed until Tales of the Teen Titans #45-47 [1984]. Brave & The Bold #54 [1964]: The future Teen Titans make their first appearance as a team in this story, but the team is not officially organized or named. Robin, Kid Flash and Aqualad are asked by the teenagers of Hatton Corners to resolve a generation gap dispute; The young heroes defeat a villain called Mr. Twister. First un-official appearance of the Teen Titans. First appearance of Mr. Twister. Brave & The Bold #60 [1965]: Now organized as the Teen Titans, Robin, Kid Flash, Aqualad, and Wonder Girl respond to a call for help from the teenagers of Midville. Aquaman (first series) #33 [1967]: Aquagirl is introduced in a Bob Haney/Nick Cardy story in Aquaman #33, in which she and Aqualad are hypnotized into aiding the evil Dr. Dorsal. First appearance of Aquagirl. Teen Titans #19 [1968]: Speedy and Wonder Girl begin dating. Aqualad returns to Atlantis for an extended leave, ostensibly in order to look after the infant Aquababy while Aquaman is involved in a quest for his missing wife, Mera (as shown in Aquaman), and Speedy becomes Aqualad's replacement among the Titans. Aqualad leaves the team. Speedy joins. Teen Titans #28-29 [1970]: Aqualad tries to find Wonder Girl at the apartment she shares with Sharon Tracy, but instead finds himself battling thugs who are after Sharon because of something she accidentally witnessed in the park, but which she cannot remember due to selective amnesia. Aqualad returns and asks the Teen Titans to redon their costumes in order to help him battle the Ocean Master; Angered at his former comrades' seeming apathy, Aqualad pursues the case alone, but is defeated by Ocean Master, bound, and left to die when the hour he can survive out of water is up. The heroes, with Hawk and Dove, eventually agree to help and defeat Aquaman's evil half-brother. Teen Titans #50-52 [1977]: Aqualad announces his resignation: he has diagnosed his "fainting spells" as a psychosomatic illness brought on by his feelings of inferiority and uselessness to the land-based Titans team. Teen Titans #53 [1978]: The origin of the Teen Titans is revealed in flashback as an Untold Tale from the Teen Titans Casebook: the story of how Robin, Kid Flash, Aqualad, Wonder Girl, and Speedy met and formally organized and named the Teen Titans team, between the events of The Brave and the Bold #54 and 60. Adventure Comics #453-455 [1977-1878]: Aqualad Back-up Story. Aqualad barges into a meeting of the Idylist ruling council, demanding information about his parents. The council refuses to give Aqualad any information as they fear he may learn the truth. Soon after, Aqualad finds a banished Idylist hermit who admits to killing King Thar. Upon seeing a picture, Aqualad immediately recognizes Thar as his father. Aqualad breaks through security and accesses the ancient files to learn the truth: His parents were King Thar and Queen Berra, who ruled peacefully until King Thar went mad and became hungry for war. Thar's peace loving people revolted, killing their once-beloved king and banished his now-pregnant wife. The Idylists, ashamed of the sins of this dark day, buried this information. Garth leaves knowing the truth and searches for Aquaman, who he had rebuffed earlier. First appearances (in flashback) of King Thar and Queen Berra. Tales of the Teen Titans #45-47 [1984]: After Aqualad and Aquagirl run afoul of the H.I.V.E. and their underwater base, the pair - desperately in need of water - arrives at an empty Titans' Tower. Aqualad's name, Garth, revealed for the first time in issue #45. Crisis on Infinite Earths #9-10 [1985]: Aquagirl joins all of earth's heroes during the so-called Crisis On Infinite Earths . Tula drowns in a body of water poisoned by the toxic waste of the mindless villain, Chemo. The Atlantean doctors try to save her life but fail. Death of Tula in issue #10. Teen Titans Spotlight On: Aqualad #10 [1987]: Mento holds Aqualad captive and psychologically tortures him, taking Garth on a nightmarish trip through his life. Aqualad is able to break free when he senses a bond between himself and Mento: both have lost the woman they love. Mento threatens Garth, but allows him to leave. Aquaman #8-9, 19-20 [1995-1996]: Aqualad is rescued by Atlan (Aquaman's father), from flesh-eating water in Aquaman #8 [1995]. Garth washes up on a strange shore, still alive in Aquaman #9 [1995]. Garth next appears on the last page of Aquaman #19 [1996] and makes his first full appearance after his mage training in Aquaman #20 [1996], which sports a Garth cover: "Don't Call Him Aqualad Anymore! ". In Aquaman #20, Garth reveals new powers and abilities and hints that he has spent 3-4 years with Atlan, Aquaman's father. The events of Garth's training are detailed in Showcase '96 #1 [1996]. Garth continues as a supporting character in Aquaman from issues Aquaman #21-25 [1996], and even has a confrontation with Aquaman's second son, Kordyak (who also survives Spectre's attack in 2007, and later becomes "Aquaman III" in 2011), in Aquaman #24-25 [1996]. After Aquaman #25, Garth becomes Tempest in Tempest #1-4 [1996-1997]. Tempest #1-4 [November 1996 to February 1997]: Aqualad becomes the final original Titan to 'graduate' to an adult persona and lose his sidekick status. Phil Jimenez wrote and drew the mini series, which pitted Garth against his power-mad uncle, the demonic Slizzath. Aqualad emerges from his training with the mage Atlan and assumes the identity of Tempest. Soon after, Garth encounters his uncle, who had transformed himself using dark magic and has become Slizzath. Slizzath was King Thar's brother, who was forbidden the throne for practicing dark magics. Thar imprisoned his brother in a mystical binding prison. Slizzath wanted to siphon Garth's mystical energies for his own dark purposes. Slizzath creates a mystical a doppelganger of Tula, who is created to dupe Garth. Garth sees through the plan and is able to defeat Slizzath, and once and for all maintain a sense of closure about Tula's death. Showcase '96 #1 [1996]: Aqualad, Garth, dead to the real world, has lived for months in the Grotto with Atlan, Aquaman's father. During this time, Atlan has trained Garth to use the natural sorcery he was born with, including powers of ice and fire. Leads into Tempest mini series #1. Aquaman #36-37 [1997]: Aquaman discovers that Garth and Dolphin are romantically involved. Still rather unstable from his recent changes, Aquaman imagines beating Garth within an inch of his life. Garth later reveals he didn't know Dolphin was romantically involved with his former mentor, and Dolphin felt their relationship died long ago. Aquaman accepts their relationship, with his eventual blessing. JLA/Titans: the Technis Imperative #1-3 [December 1998 to February 1999]: With a story by Dr. Franklyn V. Beckles, Jr., and Phil Jimenez, and art by Phil Jimenez, everyone who had ever been a Titans was reunited. Former Titan Vic Stone threatened to carry out his Technis Imperative and turn the earth's moon into a new Technis world. The JLA and Titans first clashed, then united to save the earth and Vic Stone. The mini series was designed as a primer to restart the Titans series with the five original members (Nightwing, Troia, Flash, Arsenal and Tempest) as the core. Titans #1-2 [1999]: Following close on the heels of the events in the JLA/TITANS miniseries, the original Titans decide to set up shop, rebuilding their headquarters (a new Titans Tower) and enlisting a second, non-core group of Titans to help them. Aquaman #55-56 [1999]: Dolphin announces she is pregnant. Garth is initially shaken, and seeks counsel from the shark-woman, Letifos; When Garth sees Garth with Letifos, she jumps to the wrong conclusion and is heartbroken. All is made well when Garth returns to Dolphin to propose marriage. She accepts. Aquaman #60 [1999]: It's the wedding of Tempest and Dolphin, guest-starring the Titans! But when the celebration is interrupted by a mindless menace, the Titans must team up with best man Aquaman to stop it. Marriage of Garth and Dolphin. Titans #14 [2000]: Still picking up the pieces from their face-off against the super-villain group Tartarus, the Titans head to Scotland - led by Tempest - to save Lilith (Omen) from the clutches of the villains. Aquaman #63 [2000]: Sometime in the future (2030), a boy named Donny writes the Atlantis Chronicles, and contacts Tempest to clarify some of the history Cerdian's son is recording. Tempest starts relating the war with Cerdia. Meanwhile, in the present, Dolphin gives birth to Tempest's son (2000). The 'Cerdian War' arc concludes with issue #68. Birth of Cerdian, Garth's son. Garth names his son Cerdian in Aquaman #70.
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